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Christmas about giving for Oliver

29 November 2022

Christmas about giving for Oliver

Oliver Grigg is saving his pocket money to donate to The Salvation Army.

Most seven-year-olds save their pocket money to go to the toy store. Sutherland Shire resident Oliver Grigg, saved his to give to the Salvos.

When Oliver walked into the Engadine Salvos Store in December last year carrying his jar full of coins, Store Manager, Niasha Love, assumed he was there to make a purchase. But instead of heading to the toy section, Oliver walked straight to the counter and asked how he could donate the money so that you could be used to give needy kids in the Shire a better Christmas.

“I was blown away,” said Niasha.

For Oliver though, it was a joy. He had worked hard in the months leading up to that day, doing extra chores around the house, like picking up toys in the family toy room, taking out the garbage, and helping his mum with his baby brother.

“I want everyone to get Christmas presents for Christmas,” he said. “When we went into the shop, and gave my money, it felt good.”

Shire Salvos assists more than 100 families and individuals at Christmas time, as well as providing festive food and toys to other local charities that support locals in need. Donations like Oliver’s go towards this massive “Christmas Cheer” operation.

Oliver’s mum, Emma, says she couldn’t be more proud of her boy. “We talk about how lucky he and [his brother] Lucas are that they can get presents and gifts and things like that [for Christmas],” she said. Hearing that other families aren’t as lucky as them, prompted Oliver into action. This year he is excited to do it all again.

“I think last year Oliver gave just over $100,” said Emma. “I think this year our jar is going to be even bigger!”

And that puts a big smile on Oliver’s face: “I just want to make kids happy.”


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