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Be the Boss

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Be the Boss is about getting on top of your money for good. We’re glad you’re here!

These short videos and action plans are our gift to help get you through these challenging times.

We put this together for a 3-week journey, but right now we think it’s best to just dive in and use the ones you need. They’ll help you:

  • work out what’s important to you;
  • what changes you need to make; and 
  • how to turn those good intentions into action.

Please reach out to our free financial counselling service here at Moneycare if you are looking for someone you can trust to have an important money conversation.

Even in this time, you can be the boss of your money.

Three week online course - free of charge

Person enquiring about be the boss service


To stay connected with us, join our mailing list below, and we’ll share more tips for the journey.

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Otherwise, why not dive right in and watch our helpful videos below:

1. My money story

Look back on your past life experiences to unlock your personal money story.

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2. Self talk: helpful or sabotaging?

Uncover the messages you tell yourself about money, and get simple tools to reframe any negative thoughts into positive ones that help.

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3. Money is taboo, but not today!

Learn a simple strategy for starting a money conversation with someone you trust, and work together towards a solution.

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4. Conversations with those closest

More practical tips on how to have constructive conversations about money with those closest to you.

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5. Connecting with others

The power of asking for help, and choosing to come at life with a growth mindset - you can change your future money story.

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6. The value of values

Learn why it’s important to line up your personal values - who you truly want to be - with your financial decisions.

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7. Success!

Step back from what the world around us has to say about what success looks like, and start writing your own story - we’ll show you how!

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8. Rest and relaxation

Tips and tools to help you slow down, relax and rest as part of your regular routine.

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9. Living a life of gratitude

When you choose to look at your life through the lens of gratitude, it’s remarkable to see what you already have in your hands.

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10. Giving is a gift

Recognise the gift of giving - how it fits into a healthy financial plan and what you have to give.

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11. Small change, big difference

Activate positive change with your money by taking small steps that move you towards the sort of person you want to be.

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12. Set and almost forget

How to put systems and processes into place that help you get on top of your money for good!

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13. Keeping it simple

Two factors that stop us making good financial decisions and one simple strategy for getting it right more often.

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14. Golden rules and red flags

Our top ten tips that we’ve found helpful when it comes to financial decisions.

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15. Finale: Well done!

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end! What else do you need to be the boss of your money? Let us know.

Watch now
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The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

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The Salvation Army is an international movement. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with love and without discrimination.

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