Fundraising activities
Your school has the opportunity to support the work of The salvation Army in a number of ways.Your school has the opportunity to support the work of The salvation Army in a number of ways.
Options include:
Red Shield Appeal
Our Red Shield Appeal is held in Term 2 (late May, early June) and schools can assist by...
Running a fundraiser.
At school you can run events such as Red Day (students wear red to school for a gold coin donation), a suasage sizzle, a school concert or anything else that you can think of. Feel free to invite a representative from The Salvation Army to come and speak at your assembly to help promote the event!
Doorknock your local area.
Staff and students, in conjunction with the local SalvationArmy contact can doorknock areas around your school!
Static point collection.
Students can collect donations at officially approved shopping centres or Bunnings stores!
Winter Appeal
During the colder months, students can bring items such as non-perishable foods, warm clothing and blankets to school. Again, feel free to invite someone from The Salvation Army to come and promote the event or to come in person to collect the donations and share on how they will be used.
Christmas Appeal
In the lead up to Christmas, students can bring items such as non-perishable food items and toys (new toys still in their original packaging) to school.
Once again, please don't hesitate to invite a representaive from The Salvation Army to come and promote the event or, to come in person to collect the donations
More info
For more information or other suggestions please contact Peter Vernon.