Craigieburn Corps
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Craigieburn Corps
Type: Churches/Corps
Contact: Ph (03) 8339 6100 Fax Fax (03) 8339 4457
Craigieburn Salvos, a contemporary church meeting the needs of the local community of postcode 3064. A great place to worship and to connect with awesome people.
Our Activities
Worship Service
Sunday 10am, Kids programs begin 10:30am
A vibrant worship experience for the whole family, celebrating God through Scripture, music, and Bible-based teaching. Please join us for morning tea following Church. All are welcome!
Thrift Shop
Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturdays 9am-2pm. Ph: (03) 8339 6100
2/25 Interlink Drive, Craigieburn.Our Thrift Shop is a local treasure-trove of unique donated items, proceeds supporting The Salvation Army in Craigieburn. Pop in to discover what's in store - new items added daily! Donations of furniture, clothing, toys, books and bric-a-brac in a clean, well-kept condition are gratefully received during opening hours (we reserve the right to refuse items that are soiled, dirty, torn or broken), fines apply for dumping.
mainly music
Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 9:30am
Mainly Music is a 30-minute music and movement program for 0-5 year olds and their parent/carer. Mainly Music is run on Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 9:30am. Following the interactive music program, there is morning tea and tea/coffee provided for adults (please bring morning tea for your child/ren) and extended playtime for the kids. Cost is $7 per family.
Emergency Relief
9:30am - 3pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Call to book an appointment.
If you find yourself in difficult circumstances, you can access short-term financial assistance in the form of food parcels and vouchers. Our Doorways program is a welfare assistance service for people living within the city of Hume. If you are seeking assistance, please call Doorways on (03) 8339 4987 Monday, Wednesday or Thursday between the hours of 9:30am and 3pm (phone line only open during these hours). Due to heavy demand on these services, please call back if you don't get through directly.
Community Lunch
Tuesday 12-1pm, during school terms.
You are invited to join us for our FREE Weekly Lunch. A 3-course meal will be prepared and served to you by our dedicated volunteers.