Scottsdale Corps
Our Activities
Prayer Meeting
Sunday 9:00am (ph 0429 000 829)
Prayer meetings help us connect with God, and are a vital ingredient to the ongoing spiritual and holistic development of ourselves and the church.
PEP - People Enjoying People
10:30am 3rd Wednesday of the month
Activities for the over 50s including walking groups, gardening, singing groups, guest speakers, games, outings, holidays and bible studies discussion groups.
Thursday by phone appointment 6352 2615, or walk in after 10:00am
The Community Service Centre provides emergency relief in the form of food parcels and vouchers as a way of assisting people who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
BBQ and Movie Night
6pm for BBQ; 7pm for movie screening
Come along for a fun night including BBQ and a movie on the first Friday of the month from February to December.