Glenorchy City Corps
Glenorchy City Corps
1/ 370 Main Road
Type: Churches/Corps
Contact: Doorways (emergency relief): Ph 0409239016 Contact: Ph 62152700
Opening hours: Monday + Wednesday + Friday
Our Activities
Worship Service
Sunday: 10:30am
When you come to our Sunday morning celebration you will hear great music from our worship band, perhaps view interesting media, hear a short inspirational scripture message, your children will be invited to join in fun activities with other children. You will meet friendly people over refreshments (good coffee). There is no requirement to wear anything different than when you visit a friend’s house. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions or perhaps be prayed for, if you desire. You will not be singled out but you will be warmly welcomed.
Positive Lifestyle Program
Various Times
An 8-week program focused on developing positive strategies to manage anger, grief and relationships.
Home League (Friendship Group)
Wednesdays 10:30am
Meet new people, catch up over morning tea, activities, trade table, guest speakers and fun. All welcome.
Financial Counselling
Tuesday + Thursday [all by appointment phone 0409239016]
Book an appointment with a financial counsellor for assistance and advice on overcoming difficult financial situations. Our financial counsellors can help you create a plan to get on top of your bills and can advocate for you with utility companies, financial and lending services.
[all by appointment phone 0409239016] -
Emergency Relief
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00am—2pm; ph: 6228 6274.
Please contact us if you need assistance with emergency relief (Doorways), material aid, budgeting or advocacy. We also offer support and referrals to people in personal and financial crisis. We can assist you with referrals to Alcohol and Drug Programs, Court and Prison Chaplains, Counseling Services, Domestic Violence Services, Employment Training Programs, Family Tracing, Homeless Shelters & Services, Low Cost Food Centres, Meal Services, Recreation Programs, Volunteer Programs and Worship Centres and Activities. Specialised support or services Wednesday and Thursdays by appointment only.
Drop in centre
Doorways [emergency relief by appointment phone 0409239016]
Doorways [emergency relief by appointment phone 0409239016]
If you need assistance with emergency relief (Doorways), material aid, budgeting or advocacy. We also offer support and referrals to people in personal and financial crisis. We can assist you with referrals to Alcohol and Drug Programs, Court and Prison Chaplains, Counselling Services, Domestic Violence Services
Share good food and great company at our regular community meals.
Brass Band
Senior Band Rehearsal Wednesdays at 7:30pm
If you are an experienced brass player or would like to learn to play an instrument you are welcome to come along.
Bible Study
Wednesdays 9:30am
Meet with others from our local community to develop new friendships and explore faith together.