If you’re passionate about doing something to help the poorest of the poor escape poverty and improve their lives, we’d love you to partner with us. Fundraising not only raises funds, it also raises awareness of issues such as poverty, no access to clean water, sanitation, food, livelihood or education. Why not involve your corps, youth group, bible study groups or friends?
Here’s some ways you can help:
- Choose a sustainable development goal and find a creative way to fundraise
- At Christmas, use the Salvos Gift catalogue (salvosgifts.org.au).
- At Easter, use the Chicks for Change campaign to raise awareness and funds for livelihood projects.
- You might want to host a morning tea, run a race, or ask friends and family to make a donation instead of giving you gifts this year. Set up an “Everyday Hero” page to receive donations and track your personal fundraising tally!
Please contact us for assistance at aun.internationaldevelopment@aus.salvationarmy.org
The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission has produced a resource called “Go and Do Something”. It’s full of practical ideas for action, prayer points and facts about each of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.