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Wills and Bequests

The Salvation Army’s work is only made possible by the generosity of its supporters. A bequest in your Will – no matter how big or small – is a lasting legacy of kindness that ensures The Salvation Army will always be there for those in our community who are struggling through homelessness, hardship, or crisis.

You have the power to change lives with a bequest to charity.

Why bequests matter

Nearly half of all our life-transforming crisis support is funded through bequests. Without the generosity of our supporters in their Wills, we wouldn’t be able to help nearly as many people in need. According to new research from ‘Include a Charity’, 25 per cent of Australians want to leave a bequest to charity in their Will. But only 7.5 per cent of people actually do. This is partly because, according to the NSW Trustee and Guardian, “at least 45% of people do not have a valid Will”.

Deciding what you wish to give

If you would like to include a gift to The Salvation Army in your Will to care for future generations, thank you. Here are some options.

  • A percentage of your estate. You can leave us your entire estate or any percentage you choose.
  • The remainder of your estate. After you have taken care of loved ones, you can leave us the whole or part of what remains of your estate.
  • A specific gift in your will. You can give a specific amount of money or items such as shares, paintings, or property. However, this does not allow for changes in your circumstances or inflation.

You can provide lasting hope for future generations

Leaving a gift to The Salvation Army in your Will is a very special way you can keep on caring for people into the future.

Dianne has chosen to leave a gift in her Will to The Salvation Army because she believes in the life-transforming work of places like William Booth House residential recovery services. A place where Dianne found hope more than 30 years ago when she was hurting from childhood trauma and struggling with addiction.

“The Salvos gave me back my life,” she says. “I started to see that … if I wanted to do something with my life, I could.”

Dianne is now a published author, inspirational speaker and educator.

“The Salvos are very dear to me. They saved my life at the age of 21 and I believe it is my time to speak up and support them so they can continue their great work,” she says.

Read more of Dianne's story in our Honoured Friends Newsletter

A gift in your will – no matter how big or small – ensures that a Salvo will always be there for those in our community who are struggling with the challenges of homelessness, disadvantage or family crisis.

Like ripples in a pond, extending far and wide, when you leave a gift to The Salvation Army in your Will, your decision can touch more lives than you could ever imagine.

Your gift will serve to honour your memory, carry on the beliefs and values you hold so precious and give lasting hope for future generations.

Your legacy could mean a future that is free of pain, poverty, fear and addiction. It’s a future where help is at hand, hurt is healed, hope is real and lives are changed for the better.

Looking for bequest wording?Need help preparing your Will?

Become an Honoured Friend

By leaving a gift in your Will to The Salvation Army, you will be joining a group of like-minded individuals who, like yourself are committed to ensuring that the kindness and compassion you have lived by, will go on helping others now and in the future.

When you let us know that you have included The Salvation Army in your Will, we would like to honour your kindness and generosity.

You will be welcomed as an Honoured Friend. You’ll receive a special lapel pin and personal document folder, in which you can store your legal papers. It’s not only a convenient way to stay organised, but a small thank you from us for your thoughtful intentions.

You will also receive invitations to special functions, tours, and access to many of the programs we run for the Australian community. You’ll have the option to leave your Will with The Salvation Army for safe-keeping. Of course, you can also request to have your funeral service conducted by a Salvation Army Officer too if you wish.

Become an Honoured Friend

Frequently asked questions 

Do you still have some questions? This short video answers some of the common questions we're asked about Wills and bequests.

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The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

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The Salvation Army is an international movement. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with love and without discrimination.

13 SALVOS (13 72 58)

Gifts of $2 or more to the social work of The Salvation Army in Australia are tax deductible.Details and ABNs

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