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Tips to have a fun and safe Christmas

Tips to have a fun and safe Christmas

The Salvation Army’s Craig Stephens shares some tips for a fun and safe festive season.

  • Remember, you don’t have to consume alcohol or use drugs to have a good time.
  • Eat well before you go out – don't go to a function on an empty stomach.
  • Never let anyone else top up your drink.
  • Never mix alcohol with drugs.
  • Never get into a car with a driver who has been drinking.
  • Don’t let peer pressure force you into doing something you don’t want to do. It’s okay to say no.
  • Stay close to friends you trust – it tends to be more fun anyway.
  • Leave, or call a trusted friend, if you feel unsafe at a venue or party.
  • Make plans for the morning after a function – having something to look forward to will give you incentive to wake up fresh the next day.
  • The best way to avoid alcohol and drug-related problems is to not have any at all.

If you think that you, or a friend or family member, has a problem with drugs or alcohol, the Salvos can help.

* Craig Stephens manages The Salvation Army's Dooralong Transformation Centre on the NSW Central Coast


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