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Back-to-school budgeting tips

Back-to-school budgeting tips

Parents can fork out hundreds of dollars in the weeks leading up to the start of school after the summer holidays. Here's a few simple ways to keep the spending in check. 

1. Label, label, label

Jumpers, lunchboxes, hats and stationery items can easily go missing at school. The golden rule is to label everything, or buy cheap items that you can afford to replace.

2.  Go second-hand or non-logo for uniforms

You may be able to purchase “pre-loved” items from the school's uniform shop. If not, buy non-logo sloppy joes, shirts, socks and leggings.

3.  Quality shoes last the distance

Buy the best quality shoes you can afford. Keep a lookout for when these are on sale or discounted.

4.  Shop together and go “online” for school bags

Help your child get the bag they like at a price you can afford.

5.   Research your technology needs

Students may be required to provide their own “technology” in high school. Don’t overspend on hardware or software, and go basic on hardware for early high school students, whose rough treatment of bags often results in cracked sceens. Also remember, every student gets a free Office subscription through their student email account. 

The Salvation Army's Moneycare financial counselling service is free.


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