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The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story

Christmas can be a time of joy, a time to celebrate love for one another, and a time of sharing gifts. However, for some, it can be a time of loneliness and sadness. On the first Christmas, God gave us hope, joy and love through the birth of His son, Jesus.

The Christmas story begins more than 2000 years ago when God told Mary and her fiancé, Joseph, that she would give birth to the Saviour of the world, who would be called Jesus. When it was time for Jesus to be born, Mary and Joseph headed to the town of Bethlehem.

When Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay, except in a barn filled with farm animals. There, Mary had baby Jesus and wrapped him in cloth and laid him in a manager.

The moment Jesus was born, a star appeared in the sky and the Wise Men who had heard a new king was coming, began their journey to bring him gifts. Jesus is God’s perfect gift to us. His life, death and resurrection offers hope to the whole world. Anyone who puts their trust in him can find forgiveness and healing and live in his love forever.

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The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

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The Salvation Army is an international movement. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with love and without discrimination.

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