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Celebrating Christmas with kids

Celebrating Christmas with kids

We all know Christmas is an exciting time of year for kids. Presents, decorations, carols and yummy treats – there is so much to enjoy!

It’s a big celebration because Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. Because Jesus was born, we can have joy, hope and purpose. This may feel like a big message to help little people understand, so we’ve put together some resources and activities to help you share the true meaning of Christmas with the kids in your life in a fun, simple way.

The Christmas story for kids


God is our Creator and he loves us. His son is Jesus. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. This is Jesus’ birth story. 

A young woman called Mary was told by an angel that she would become the mother of Jesus.

When the time came for Mary to give birth to Jesus, she travelled with her husband Joseph to Bethlehem. It was very busy there and there were no guest rooms for them to stay in. They were offered a place to sleep in what was probably a barn or stable for animals. Mary gave birth to Jesus and laid him in a manger (where an animal eats).

Angels then appeared to some shepherds, sharing with them the good news of Jesus’ birth. Jesus is the King of Heaven, and he has come to Earth to be with us and give us peace and joy, they said. (The Christmas carol Hark! The Herald Angels Sing tells us about this event.) 

The shepherds went to visit Jesus in his manger. They praised and worshipped him, then told everyone else about it. They had lots of joy and happiness – and every Christmas, we remember that and have lots of joy, too!

Learn more about the meaning of Christmas

Free Christmas activities for kids

The Salvation Army’s Kidzone team have lots of fun, free Christmas activities on their website including colouring sheets, a puzzle worksheet, printable ‘Good News’ newspaper about the Christmas story, a Santa letter template and a Christmas road trip activity sheet.

Plus, if you visit your local Salvos church or Salvos Store, you can pick up a copy of their weekly kids’ magazine or (depending on when you visit) their special Christmas edition, perfect for kids aged 5-12. This year’s Christmas issue is packed full of Christmas stories, cooking, comics, craft and a competition. 

Helping kids think about others at Christmas

Christmas in Australia for kids is typically filled with visits to Santa at the shopping centre, outside carols services on warm evenings and toys on Christmas morning. But Christmas is not all about what we get. Although Christmas is a time to celebrate the good gift of Jesus that God gave to us, it’s also a time to share that gift of love and kindness with others. 

This year, add a 12 Days of Goodness Advent Calendar into your family’s Christmas activities. In the lead up to Christmas, find a way to give and receive all that is good. 

You may also like to get involved with the Salvos as a volunteer. It’s a great way to connect as a family while serving your community and teaching your kids about the value of helping others. 

Find out more about the Christmas volunteering opportunities in your area

You can read the full Christmas message in the Bible, in Matthew chapters 1 and 2, and Luke chapters 1 and 2.

The Bible says God loves the world SO much that he gave his only son – Jesus – as a gift to the people of the world so that we could have a forever friendship with him (see John chapter 3, verse 16). God gave us a gift out of his love for us.  

So, at Christmas, to remember this message, we give gifts to others out of our love for them. Christmas is not about what presents we get, but about what good things we can give to other people. This may include kind words, gifts of time or good actions.

After Jesus was born, there were a group of people called Magi – or ‘Wise Men’. They studied the Word of God, which spoke about a King coming to Earth, and being marked by a special star. When they saw the special star in the sky, they were excited! They followed the star which led them to Jesus.

When they found Jesus, they gave him gifts fit for a king – gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The actions of the Magi is one reason why we give gifts to each other at Christmas.

You may like to play a game of ‘Pin the Gift on the Wiseman’ as part of sharing this story with the kids in your life.
Check it out on the Kidzone website

Angels are God’s special messengers. God used angels to share the message about Jesus being born. First, an angel called Gabriel told Mary she would have a baby (Jesus). An angel also spoke to Joseph in a dream to not be afraid of marrying Mary and becoming the father of Jesus. Once Jesus was born, God sent an angel to share the good news with shepherds, then a very large group of angels joined the first angel to sing and praise God.

Yes! Head to the Kidzone Christmas website and find some free colouring sheets you can download and print, all of which celebrate the birth of Jesus.

If you’re looking for more colouring sheets, we have a Kidzone Bible colouring and puzzles book available to buy – a perfect Christmas present for the kids in your life! 

Lots of Salvation Army churches host Christmas community events involving carols, face painting and other kinds of family fun. We encourage you to contact your local Salvos or visit our list of events to find your nearest location.

You can also find out about Salvo church services for the lead up to Christmas (Advent), Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Your local Salvos would love to welcome you! Feel free to contact them ahead of your arrival to ask about kids’ programs and so they know to look out for you.

Find my nearest Salvo Christmas event

If times have been tough this year and you don’t think you will be able to afford a nice Christmas meal or presents for your children, please reach out to your local Salvos. We believe you can have a good Christmas and do not want to see anybody struggling alone. Find more information on our Food and Gifts support page. You may also like to read our tips about celebrating Christmas on a budget.

Get support from the Salvos this Christmas

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The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.

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The Salvation Army is an international movement. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with love and without discrimination.

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