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Cherry brownie cheesecake

Cherry brownie cheesecake

Chocolate, cherries and cheesecake! What more could you want in this delicious dessert by Janelle Bloom.

Serves 8-10.


200g good quality dark chocolate, chopped (like club)

200g butter, chopped

¼ cup cocoa powder

2 cups caster sugar 

4 eggs

½ cup plain flour, sifted

¼ cup self-raising flour, sifted

500g cream cheese, at room temperature 

300ml sour cream 

375g fresh or frozen cherries, pitted


1. Preheat oven 180°C conventional/160°C fan forced. Grease and line a 5cm deep, 21cmx30cm (base) slab pan.

2. Combine chocolate and butter in a microwave-safe heatproof bowl. Microwave, uncovered in 1 minute bursts of high power (100%), stirring every minute until smooth. Whisk in the cocoa powder while the mixture is warm.

3. Stir in 1 cup of the caster sugar and 2 eggs. Fold in the flours. Spread mixture over the base of the pan and bake for 15 minutes (base will still be soft). Remove from the oven and set aside 15 minutes. Reduce oven 160°C conventional /150°C fan forced.

4. Meanwhile, process the cream cheese and remaining 1 cup caster sugar in food processor until smooth. Add remaining 2 eggs and sour cream and use the pulse button to pulse until just combined.

5. Carefully pour cheesecake mixture over the warm chocolate base. Press cherries into cheese mixture and bake for 55-60 minutes or until centre is firm. Turn oven off and leave door ajar for 2 hours. Refrigerate overnight. Cut into squares and serve.


The brownie cheesecake will keep for up to 5 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

Recipe originally written for Moraitis fresh produce.



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