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Salvos provide aid to quake victims

16 September 2014

Salvos provide aid to quake victims

The Salvation Army has been providing support in Yunnan province, China, after a 6.1-magnitude earthquake in August caused widespread devastation.

More than 600 people lost their lives in the disaster, which had its epicentre in Ludian county, and more than 3000 were injured, Local reports suggested that at least 80,000 houses collapsed and nearly 230,000 survivors have been in need of emergency resettlement.

Salvation Army emergency relief personnel were able to reach Ludian shortly after the quake struck and connected with local relief officials. The survivors have been placed in more than 100 resettlement points in the area.

Regular aftershocks and torrential rain causing landslides, made rescue work increasingly difficult.

Emergency supplies were sent by The Salvation Army to the worst-affected areas, including Lungtoushan township and Huodehong village. Some victims walked from Lungtoushan to the centre of Ludian county to be housed in tents that have been provided.

A Salvation Army relief team reached Shuimo township and Longshu village within a week of the quake to distribute relief supplies. On reaching Shuimo, they found that most of the houses were either seriously damaged or had collapsed. They immediately distributed food and children's books to the survivors while a second batch of relief supplies included bags of rice and barrels of cooking oil.

In addition to the emergency food supplies, The Salvation Army has sent social workers from Hong Kong to Ludian, setting up counselling teams to help children who have been affected.

Story and photo courtesy of The Salvation Army International Headquarters (IHQ)



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