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Larney's passion to help others in pain

2 September 2014

Larney's passion to help others in pain

“The Salvos’ role in my stability was huge! Without that support there’s a real possibility I would still be on the streets and I wouldn’t have my son. He would have definitely been removed.” – Larney

Recently employed in a Salvation Army human resources role, and starting on a career path she hopes one day can profoundly impact others who are suffering, Larney has battled for years to beat the pain and destructive patterns of her past.

It is a battle she has fiercely fought, she says, for the sake of her most “precious gift” – her young son.

Larney says her life is the most stable it has ever been. This is due to ongoing support from mentors at the Rockdale (NSW) Salvation Army, through accessing a range of Salvation Army Services, including emergency crisis accommodation and welfare support, and through finding a transforming Christian faith.

Horror home life

Her home life, Larney explains, was “horrific”. Eventually, when she felt her life was threatened, she fled.

With some connection to the Rockdale Salvos, she went straight to the centre (after reporting to the police), and was helped into short-term emergency accommodation.

However, after moving out, a turbulent period followed. She made multiple suicide attempts and, following the only patterns she knew, entered a violent relationship.

She says, “I was 15, living out of home, no stable income, no stable accommodation, with a baby growing inside of me. I knew I had to get my life sorted out.”

Breaking free

In 2013, Larney renewed her connection with the Rockdale Salvos. Through a court process, they helped her to break free of the violent relationship haunting her. Rockdale Salvos continue to support Larney, both emotionally and spritually.

“It’s really hard when you’re in that kind of situation to find someone who will not only believe you, but will support you,” Larney says. “I got that from the Salvos – just complete and utter understanding and compassion.”

She hopes in the future to study psychology and law and says, “I now just want to help others the way I was helped.”


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