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Hope from heartache, an Easter message from The Salvation Army

9 April 2020

Hope from heartache, an Easter message from The Salvation Army

It is true to say our world in recent weeks has changed dramatically. Many will question what the future holds, and we are adjusting each day to living in a new way.

While we wrestle with questions and uncertainty, some things remain constant. We can depend on them. The Easter message is one that has never changed and will never change, it’s as relevant today as ever. Easter reminds us that even in our darkest days, hope shines.

The Australian landscape, as it regenerates from catastrophic fires only months ago, is a powerful picture to us of God’s Easter promise.

Out of devastation – burnt stumps, dry ground – new life springs forth in the bush and in the paddock, even as we face yet another crisis of far greater proportions.

This rebirth of nature reminds us of the resilience God has built into the human spirit. In our heartache, there is always hope for renewal and growth. Our landscape represents the promise we hold to that – even in our most difficult or devastating times – God promises he is able to work out a good plan.

What has this got to do with Easter?

On the day we remember as Good Friday, Jesus died on a cross. Hope in him being the Saviour of the world seemed lost for the people who followed him.

But on the Sunday, Jesus rose from the grave, overcoming death itself. He burst forth to new life and he offers this same gift of new life to us all today. It’s a quality of abundant life that starts now and continues forever, into eternity.

The good news of Easter is that even though Jesus’ followers could not see a way forward, God was at work. Likewise, even when we cannot see the future, we can place our hope in Jesus, “hope of all the world” (Matthew 12:21, NLT).

God still wants to meet us in our challenging places and help us rise up out of heartache and into hope. In a world of uncertainty and anxiety – Jesus promises peace and he promises us we are never alone.

His promises are for anyone and everyone who believes. No one is outside the love of God and his offer to bring wholeness, salvation and hope.

This Easter, as for others, Salvation Army churches won’t be able to physically gather to celebrate. We would love for you to join with us for an online church experience if you’re not already involved somewhere – details (and words of hope) available at

Janine and Robert Donaldson


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The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

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