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Gratitude for rich life flows on to others

18 March 2013

When Joy’s* daughter spoke to Alana Parker of The Salvation Army Aged Care Plus (ACP) about her mother’s gifting of her estate to the service, she explained that her mum had been orphaned at six months of age.

"Mum came into the world with nothing and it was her wish to leave the world with nothing so that other people who cannot help themselves can be supported," she says.

Although Joy never asked for help from The Salvation Army and always lived independently, it was the wartime experience of her partner of 49 years, Ken*, who experienced the sacrificial care of Army officers, that set the scene.

"Ken’s affection for The Salvation Army, coupled with Joy’s desire to help others, ultimately led to the precious gift that will help so many," says Alana.

ACP provides a range of aged-care services including residential, independent living units, community care packages and respite services throughout Queensland, NSW and in the ACT. "Our vision is to deliver a service that meets the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each person with excellence," says Alana.

In addition, Alana explains there is a strong culture of ACP residents caring for others. This includes an annual walkathon held in all centres which in 2012 raised almost $75,000 to support The Salvation Army’s Streetlevel homeless support services and a bush ambulance program in Malawi.

"So," Alana says, "Joy’s legacy will go on to have a direct impact on all our residents and care recipients and will also flow on to help The Salvation Army add a depth of richness to many, many more lives."

*Names changed at family’s request


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