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A message of hope this Easter from The Salvation Army leaders

4 March 2021

A message of hope this Easter from The Salvation Army leaders

Can you imagine standing in a pitch-black room, unable to see your hands, your feet or the floor? Now picture the moment when suddenly a small candle flickers in front of you. What once seemed so dark and foreboding is now a little more comforting. You can see just enough to not feel so uneasy, lost, trapped or afraid.

In much the same way, this is the message of hope at Easter.

When Jesus died on the cross, a day we now call “Good Friday”, everything felt dark. His followers felt defeated, confused and scared. Jesus was placed into a dark tomb – which was sealed shut with a heavy stone.

After three days, Jesus rose from the dead and shone light into that darkness. We now celebrate this on Easter Sunday. He brought hope, love and joy to his followers. And no matter who you are, where you come from or what life has looked like for you up  until this point, this same hope, love and joy is available for you today.
Find out more about Jesus

Jesus understands our darkness

And then the world literally turned dark. The Bible says, “For three hours, beginning at noon, darkness came over the Earth. And at three o’clock Jesus shouted with a mighty voice ... ‘My God, My God, why have you deserted me?’” (Matthew 27:45–46, TPT). Jesus understood what it was like to feel completely alone and abandoned.

It seemed as though all hope was lost. It seemed as though all light was gone. And Jesus’ loved ones lived that way through the rest of Friday and all of Saturday. What was traditionally a day of rest – the Sabbath – was a day of anguish and heartache. Sometimes darkness feels never-ending.

When looking at our world today, the darkness can be overwhelming. Bad news fills our newspapers and social media feeds. Heartbreak – whether for ourselves personally or experienced by others – seems to be around every corner. It can feel as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel or no hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Jesus brings light and hope

Thankfully, Jesus’ death is not the end of the story. On Sunday, he came back to life! He overcame death itself in a message of hope that we too can overcome our darkness. This message of hope is the reason for our celebration on Easter Sunday.

There is always an opportunity for light and hope to enter your darkness. Just as a small candle can brighten up even the darkest of rooms, the light of Jesus can shine brightly into all of life’s dark places. And the good news is that Jesus’ light is brighter than anything else.

In the Bible, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness. They will have that light. They will have life” (John 8:12, NIRV).

Jesus doesn’t promise to take away our dark days. The pain of Good Friday was real and raw. It will always exist. Instead, Jesus promises that because of his work on the cross, we don’t have to stumble through them alone.
Learn more about Easter

You can have hope

This Easter, we encourage you to take the opportunity to explore the hope of Jesus and the light he can bring to your life. Jesus says he came into the world to “give life – life that is full and good” (John 10:10, ERV). He wants our lives to have clarity, purpose, love, deep joy and hope.

The Salvation Army is here for you to help you get through the tough times. You are not alone. For help to find the hope that shines brightly in the darkness, contact us today.

From The Salvation Army to you, we wish you an Easter filled with hope.

Commissioners Janine and Robert Donaldson
The Salvation Army Australia

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