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A lifetime of community service

10 July 2017

A lifetime of community service

(Photo courtesy of Newcastle Herald)

Doctor and nurse couple, Denis and Robin Gordon, are active members of their community in Belmont, NSW. As medical professionals, they have often passionately fought to retain or upgrade essential health services in their area.

“Dr D. (as we call him) and I have both come from families who participated and served in their communities,” says Robin. “We have a strong conscience toward helping those less fortunate than we are. We also feel strongly that we should ‘put back’ into the community.”

In 2013, Robin was awarded the Order of Australia for “service to the preservation of social and local history, and to the community”.

“I have been involved with Salvation Army people in our community, through our Rotary Club … and when collecting (now a few years ago) for the Red Shield Appeal.”

A gift to people in need 

Denis and Robin are also donors and ‘Honoured Friends’ of The Salvation Army – having pledged to leave a gift in their Wills.

“I would encourage people to consider the need of the Salvos to enable them to continue their wonderful pastoral care,” Robin says. “Think about them in your annual charity donations. Think about leaving a gift for the Salvos in your Will. These will be your gifts, to people in need, through the Salvos.”

As a nurse in her husband’s medical practice, Robin has, at times, referred people in need to The Salvation Army.

“We have seen first-hand the wonderful assistance given to some of our people who need help with financial assistance, clothing, household goods and food,” she says.

“The care and counselling given by the good people at Eastlakes Salvos goes hand in hand with their practical help. We have the greatest admiration for the Salvos – their love of fellow human beings is evident in their words, actions and deeds.”

By Naomi Singlehurst



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