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21 Years of Making Christmas a Special Time for Sydney's Most Needy

16 December 2014

21 Years of Making Christmas a Special Time for Sydney's Most Needy

While the Christmas period for most Australians is a time of joy and happiness, for many in the Sydney community Christmas can be a time of isolation, despair and loneliness. In an annual tradition going back 21 years, NSW pork producers, in conjunction with the NSW Farmers Association and Australian Pork Limited, will donate 250kg of roast pork to The Salvation Army Sydney Streetlevel Mission and give the homeless and disadvantaged in Sydney a Christmas lunch to remember.

Chair of the NSW Farmers’ Pork Committee, Ean Pollard, says this annual tradition of donating 250kg of pork for Sydney’s most needy is one way New South Wales pork producers can say a big thank you to the Australian community for their support in 2014.

“Christmas is such a joyous period of the year,” Mr Pollard said. “NSW Farmers and Australian Pork Limited are proud to be marking the 21st year of supporting The Salvation Army Sydney Streetlevel Mission Christmas Day lunch.”

NSW Farmers Board Member, David Clarke, says this year has been an incredibly difficult time for pork producers and the New South Wales agricultural community in general.

“Through the support of The Salvation Army Rural Chaplains, and of course the wider Australian community, this difficult year has been made that little bit easier,” Mr Clarke says. “This is our opportunity to give back and say thanks to The Salvation Army.”

Chair of Australian Pork Limited and Foodbank Australia, Enzo Allara, says the donation is an opportunity to support and give hope to those in need at Christmas time.

“I am delighted to see the continuing, and extremely generous donation of pork to the Salvation Army’s Streetlevel Mission. This will ensure that hundreds of less privileged Australians will be able to enjoy a traditional Christmas lunch of ham and roast pork,” Mr Allara says.

This year, The Salvation Army Streetlevel Mission, as it does every year, will put on a massive Christmas lunch which will cater for up to 1,500 of Sydney’s most marginalised individuals and families.

Salvation Army Sydney Streetlevel Team Leader, Robyn Evans, says without the support of NSW Farmers, Australian Pork Limited, BE Campbell, and Foodbank NSW & ACT, the Sydney Streetlevel Mission Christmas Day lunch would not be possible.

“We’re absolutely humbled by the generosity of the New South Wales farming community, especially after the tough year they have been through themselves,” Mrs. Evans says. “We also want to shout out a massive thank you to the 150 volunteers who work tirelessly both on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, who for the most part will forego part of their own Christmas celebrations, to make this day a special one for the most needy in our community.

The Salvation Army will give hope this Christmas to more than 300,000 Australians by helping with food, bills and accommodation. Around 500,000 presents, generously donated by the Australian public (mostly via the Kmart Wishing Tree), will be given to families doing it tough.

On Tuesday, 16 December 2014, NSW pork farmers will be celebrating a handover lunch and the delivery of the roast pork to The Salvation Army Streetlevel Mission, 339 Crown Street, Surry Hills. Alliance catering will pre-cook the pork ready for the Christmas Day luncheon on the 25th December.

To officiate the hand over will be longtime supporter of The Salvation Army, Mrs. Margie Abbott, the wife of Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott. Mrs. Abbott will be in attendance to help prepare and serve lunch as well as show her support of The Salvation Army and Australian farmers.

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