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The Salvos continue to support fire-fighters and those affected by bushfires in NSW

19 October 2013

The Salvos continue to support fire-fighters and those affected by bushfires in NSW

While many Salvation Army Emergency Service crews have been stood-down as evacuation centres close and people are allowed back to their homes, our volunteers and personnel remain on stand-by and support continues to be offered.

In the Blue Mountains west of Sydney where many homes have been lost, The Salvation Army has set up a presence on burnt-out streets, offering affected residents support, meals and beverages.

A dedicated Emergency Services truck is being deployed to the area so crews will be able to drive toaffected areas and set up a mobile support base.

“We just want to be there for the many, many residents who are hurting right now,” says Springwood Salvation Army Officer Captain Phil Sharp. “We are ready and willing to assist in any way possible.”

On the Central Coast volunteers are feeding fire-fighters at Catherine Hill Bay and south of Lake Munmorah.

Further north, Salvation Army Emergency Services crews in Raymond Terrace continue to serve 1,200 meals a day to fire-fighters in that area and expect to remain in service until at least Tuesday.

“The combating Agencies are tired, but they are glad that The Salvation Army are there to help them,” says Hans Schryver, Newcastle & Central New South Wales Salvation Army Emergency Services Divisional Coordinator. Salvation Army volunteers and personnel are also supporting affected residents at the evacuation centre.

Crews in western Sydney, Lithgow and the Hawkesbury are all on stand-by.


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