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Salvation Army responds to bushfires in Western Australia

11 January 2016

Salvation Army responds to bushfires in Western Australia

Devastating bushfires continue to cause significant loss and destruction across Western Australia. The recent fire in Yarloop has destroyed 95 homes and three people have been reported missing.

The Salvation Army has been serving meals and providing support to more than 300 Yarloop evacuees from our centre in Bunbury. We are working with all government agencies involved to ensure a coordinated response.

While access to affected areas is difficult, we remain ready to provide financial and material aid to people affected as they come to terms with their losses and begin their difficult paths to recovery. With hot and windy conditions forecast, our prayers are with all affected communities.

Salvation Army volunteers have been active across the state including responding to earlier fires in Wibinga and Eglinton throughout the Christmas and New Year period.

Other communities across Australia have also been greatly affected by bushfires in recent weeks and we continue to be active in Victoria and South Australia to ensure support is available.

We are grateful to the community and to organisations such as major national partner Woolworths who have launched a Bushfire Appeal to help raise critical funds. These resources equip us to respond to the initial emergency and to offer ongoing support to communities as they recover from devastating loss. While we appreciate the willingness of the community to donate physical goods, we are unable to receive them at this stage.

To support the ongoing work of The Salvation Army, including our work in communities affected by fires and other natural disasters, please consider making a donation to the Red Shield Appeal.


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