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Salvation Army responds as Asian floods leave millions homeless

4 September 2017

Salvation Army responds as Asian floods leave millions homeless

The Salvation Army provides flood relief in India.

After weeks of relentless monsoon downpours, vast parts of India, Bangladesh and Nepal are under water and more than 40 million people have been affected by the floods. Many of them have lost their homes and livelihoods and, with essential service facilities being overwhelmed, people’s lives are in immediate danger.  

Salvation Army emergency relief teams are being deployed in selected areas of Bangladesh and India to set up distribution points to provide basic necessities.

In the Chittagong area, Bangladesh, funding has been received to start building houses for those who lost everything during the initial landslide as a result of the heavy rain.

The Salvation Army’s India Western Territory has mobilised its forces with flood relief teams distributing kits in affected areas to 2200 families, including approximately 4400 adults and 5600 children. Kits contained essentials such as rice, wheat flower, toor dal, oil, sugar, tea, salt, spices and vegetables, such as onions and potatoes.

Funds have been made available by The Salvation Army’s International Headquarters to meet the most pressing needs, while assessments continue. Working in cooperation with other non-governmental organisations, The Salvation Army will continue to assist flood victims, providing food and survival equipment. Donations are being sought to enable a wider-scale response.

General André Cox, international leader of The Salvation Army, said: “I ask once again for Salvationists and friends to give prayer and practical support for the relief efforts of yet another catastrophic disaster.”

Donations to the South Asia Disaster Appeal can be made online: click here

Report courtesy of International Headquarters.


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